Social Media Content Becoming Increasingly Video-Focused

When social media first emerged, it was mainly used as a platform for sharing written thoughts and updates. As time went on, the inclusion of images in social media content became more prevalent. However, it is now video social media content that dominates feeds on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. So why the shift? For one thing, videos are more visually compelling and can often communicate messages more effectively than a photo or block of text. They also have the potential to go viral and garner a larger audience. In addition, people consume information in different ways – some prefer written content while others prefer visual or auditory stimulation. By including various forms of social media content, social media users are able to cater to a wider range of preferences and potentially reach a larger audience. The evolution towards more video content may seem like just a trend, but it can ultimately result in greater engagement and success for social media users.

Why Is Social Media Becoming Video Centered?

  1. More Engaging: One of the primary benefits of social media content becoming more video focused is that it is more engaging than other forms of content. A study conducted by Cisco found that people are more likely to watch a video on social media than any other type of content. Furthermore, the average person spends over an hour watching videos on social media each day.
  2. More Shareable: Another benefit of social media content in the form of video is that they are more shareable than other types of content. A study conducted by BuzzSumo found that videos are shared 1200% more than text and images combined. This means that your video is more likely to be seen by a wider audience if it is shared on social media.
  3. More Memorable: Videos are also more memorable than other types of content. A study conducted by Insivia found that people are 95% more likely to remember a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to reading it in text form. This is because videos engage multiple senses, which makes the information easier to remember.
  4. More Emotional: Videos are also more emotional than other types of content. A study conducted by Forrester found that people are 64% more likely to make a purchase after watching a video about the product, as opposed to reading about it in text form. This is because videos evoke emotions, which can lead to purchasing decisions.
  5. More Trustworthy: People are also more likely to trust a brand if they see it in a video, as opposed to other forms of social media content. A study conducted by Nielsen found that 66% of people said they were more likely to trust a brand after watching a video about it, as opposed to reading about it in text form. This is because videos provide an up-close and personal look at a brand, which can build trust with potential customers.
  6. More Persuasive: Videos are also proven to be more persuasive than other types of content. A study conducted by Unruly Media found that videos are 52% more persuasive than text and images combined. This means that if you want to convince someone to do something, such as make a purchase or sign up for your email list, you should use video rather than text or images alone

How Video Social Media Content is Viewed

When scrolling through social media content, the human brain is constantly presented with an overwhelming amount of information. Text posts and images may grab our attention, but they require us to actively interpret and process the content. Videos, on the other hand, take little to no effort for the viewer to understand. The message is conveyed through both visual and auditory stimulation, making it easier for our brains to digest the information. Not only that, but videos also often have the ability to evoke emotions more effectively than written or static visual content. In today’s fast-paced world where attention spans are dwindling, videos offer a convenient and efficient way for viewers to consume content without much mental strain. This can lead to greater engagement with your brand or message compared to other forms of online media. So the next time you’re crafting a social media post, consider incorporating a video element – it just might make all the difference in capturing your audience’s attention.

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Only Video Social Media Platforms

In a society where social media content has become ingrained in our daily lives, the rise of video-only platforms such as TikTok and Triller offers a refreshing change from the written word. These platforms allow users to express themselves through creative, short videos that often showcase their talents and interests. While some may argue that these types of social media are simply a fad, their fast-growing user base suggests otherwise. In fact, businesses have also started utilizing these platforms to advertise products and connect with consumers in a more visually appealing way. Overall, the prevalence of video-only social media is demonstrating the power of visual communication in today’s world. It shines a light on the value of creativity and self-expression, all while providing another avenue for individuals and businesses to connect with each other.

Short Videos Perform Best

Social media is full of endless information, and it can often be overwhelming to sift through. That’s where short videos come in – they offer a quick and easy way to digest the most important information without having to read through long posts or articles. These videos give us quick laughs, updates on current events, and even helpful tips and tricks for just about anything. Since this type of social media content is easily shareable with friends and family, it has the potential to spread important information far and wide in just a matter of seconds. So next time you’re scrolling through your social media feeds, don’t ignore those short videos – they might just have something valuable to offer.

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Social Media Content Creation

Creating social media video content can be a great way to engage with your audience and promote your brand. However, it’s important to keep a few things in mind before diving in. First, consider what message or story you want to convey. Are you introducing a new product? Showcasing your company culture? Highlighting customer success stories? Once you have a clear narrative in mind, think about the format of the video – will it be an interview, tutorial, or animated graphic explainer? Next, plan out your visuals and script, taking into consideration any branding guidelines and target audience. Finally, make sure to optimize your video for each platform, utilizing captions and hashtags where appropriate. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create social media video content that effectively tells your brand’s story and connects with viewers.

Although it may seem like there is a ton of information to keep track of and plan out, simple video creation isn’t too hard. Even simple videos offer more engagement than a still image. Give posting a video a try! Keeping up with social media content and platforms does become tedious and challenging as social media constantly changes. If you do need assistance creating social media content, contact a marketing firm like Voyager Marketing! We are here to happily assist you in creating a successful online presence.